The only advice you need to overcome anxiety

I have fought against anxiety for 2 decades.

Didem Sahin
4 min read1 day ago

A little bit of a backstory

When I look back, my first real experience with anxiety came in kindergarten.

I grew up as an only child and had protective parents with high expectations. As a result, I was always focused on accomplishing and learning but was extremely shy when it came to making friends.

I was overthinking every social interaction, every single thing to say , and battling a constant feeling of not being good enough.

It became even worse later in school, when some of my peers started targeting me and bullying me. The stress of exams and academic pressure only added fuel to the fire.

I didn’t know that something was wrong with my mental health, up until I broke down 4 years ago. I had normalized the situation.

I just thought I was being too sensitive. Or worse, people kept telling me that I was just wise beyond my years. True price of thinking ahead was being anxious for all the possibilities.

Only now at age 25, I realize that being wise beyond years is not what a child should be. A child should simply focus on their happiness and wellbeing.

The way I lived, was not the only way to live.

Trying to “fix” myself



Didem Sahin

I’m an Industrial Engineer. Here, I write mainly about business & tech . Let’s support each other 😇