How To Use AI The Right Way: Ethical Challenges

You are using AI wrong, unless you are aware of these ethical aspects.

Didem Sahin
5 min readSep 6, 2024
Image by Freepik

Welcome back my dear readers.

In today’s post, we will look at the ethical challenges that occur while using Generative AI. We will also discuss ways to stay responsible for both companies and individuals.

Generative AI is a powerful tool that can be used for automation, generating ideas, assistance and enhancing marketing activities etc.

Since it can wear many hats for all these various tasks, the boundaries of Generative AI usage is beyond imagination for both companies and individuals.

But even such a magnificent technology, comes with limitations and ethical challenges such as; underlying bias in algorithms, issues in intellectual property, issues in data privacy & security, risk of job loss and environmental impact.

Now lets go into more detail about each of these challenges.

1. Bias :

AI models have underlying bias because they are trained on human data. And humans are biased no matter how much they try not to be.

If biased data is used in training, the AI model might reflect those biases in its outputs and perpetuate stereotypes. For…



Didem Sahin

I’m an Industrial Engineer. Here, I write mainly about business & tech . Let’s support each other 😇