How To Be Stylish, using ChatGPT

The only prompt you need to find your season, best colors and dress accordingly.

Didem Sahin
5 min readSep 4, 2024
Image by Freepik

A wedding, a birthday or a reunion is coming up. You want to be dressed up in colors that suit you the best and will make you shine for this important day.

Of course you can ask your friend group about what they think.

But there is a problem. You want expert opinion. You want an objective method, that guarantees success.

And today, I will share with you the perfect solution.

Only a month ago, I was going through the same experience. I had to find the perfect dress-makeup combo for my cousin’s wedding.

I neither had any idea on which colors would complement me the most on a dress, nor on what kind of makeup would go well with it.

Unfortunately, I only had less than a week to finish all the shopping before traveling to the wedding destination.

So I needed a quick-personalized solution, just like you.

Searching for an answer on the internet introduced me to the term “seasons”.

Seasons in color analysis



Didem Sahin

I’m an Industrial Engineer. Here, I write mainly about business & tech . Let’s support each other 😇